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  • Writer's pictureLouis Sartori

Derby Day

Excert from article published in Concrete

After its involuntary COVID-related sabbatical, Derby Day finally returned to Norwich on Wednesday the 26th of April. Packed with snakebite-inspired reverie and its usual spectator-friendly structure, the whole day was an overdue exhibition of student togetherness on home-turf.

UEA Athletics Club, like the overwhelming majority of our sports teams, successfully defended their home-turf. The travelling ‘Essex Blades AC’, stood no match for our men’s and women’s athletes, performing more akin to floppy balloon swords, rather than the sea-axes from which their club takes its name. Ultimately, UEA AC stormed to an overall victory of 151 points to Essex’ 128.

The two teams congregated at the track at around midday. Initial scenes were like something out of an awkward, ‘tweenage’ birthday party. Essex and UEA sat in their respective camps, side by side, not interacting, safe for the occasional wary glance fired across the bow. Hopefully, this tense atmosphere did not suggest to Essex that they would have a fighting chance.

Either way, they were soon to find out that they did not. Events started at 12:30 and the noise beside the track only grew as the day wore on. Given the numerous other sports on offer to spectators, the volume of crowds at every venue on campus was a true credit to the pride and supportiveness of our student body. From Colney, to the Sportspark and even the square, the East Anglian army was immense and generous in support, everywhere.

Highlights from UEA AC’s battle on the track included the Women’s 4x400m, in which our squad almost lapped Essex’ third runner, thanks to a storming opening leg from Isabelle Nero. Tom Palmer put on a racing clinic to win the Men’s 1500m, whilst former President Alfie Long leant his weary legs to not one, not two, but three races on the day. The brave fourth-year opened proceedings in the 800m, before coming back for the 3000m and an extra dose of punishment in the 4x400m relay. Like many on the day, Alfie committed himself consummately and without complaint to the blue and gold cause.

In the sprints, Serena Grace looked as impressive as she always does, winning both the 100m and 200m for our ladies. At the same time, our inexperienced throwers Toby Asplin and Tomas McLaren Porter vastly outperformed expectations in their javelin and shot-put campaigns. Sofia Mela and Ellie Taylor also fared well in the jumps, further contributing to UEA’s ultimate victory.

After all the excitement and success of the 26th, good-natured jealousy must surely be directed to our first-year athletes, who stand to experience as many Derby Days as years they can stomach being a student for. A privilege I am sure is mutually envied by most second, third and fourth year’s whose experience has been affected by Covid.

Needless to say, given the performances posted by our young recruits this year, the future of performance at UEA AC looks to be in safe hands. Next year promises further Derby Day success, this time on the cold fields of Colchester. Until then, let’s all bask in the glory of such a massive and overdue win over our sworn, though friendly enemies.


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